Sunday School classes for all ages meet
September-May from 9:15-10:15am.
Music also plays a part of Sunday School each week for Godly play, Bible Town and Confirmation classes! This is a time of exploring and developing their musical gifts through singing, playing instruments and creative movement.
Our church nursery is available for young children on the first floor of our building who need a place to play or rest during Sunday School or worship. It is staffed by caring volunteers and paid nursery workers from the College of Wooster. Please feel free to make use of our nursery on Sunday mornings.
Join us during the 10:15 a.m. worship hour to dive into kid friendly spiritual ways of learning the word of God. With music, storytelling and creativity, the children walk away with a renewed heart!
During this time we simply have fun in God's name. Our focus is enjoying our fellowship and spreading God's love to others in the community. There are many opportunities to learn and have fun, all while being in a safe and secure environment. This is a great way for your child to be involved in our community!
We welcome everyone to learn, worship, serve, and have fun together. Here in the Youth Center we grow into real relationships with God and one another. Here we find purpose. And here we find love and joy.
Children and youth have the opportunity to also participate in several special music events and worship services through the year including Youth Sunday in the fall, an Advent program in December, and our Celebration Sunday in May to end the program year. These events allow our special musical talents to show through in individual, small, and large group settings.
Youth have the opportunity to participate in mission trips during the summers as well as attend Presbyterian Youth Triennium. They also have several fundraising efforts throughout the year, including participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring and putting on an annual Italian Dinner in Bruch Hall.
Amy Baxstrom, Director of Family Ministries
Rachel King, Director of Children's Music
First Presbyterian Church of Wooster
621 College Avenue Wooster, OH 44691
Office Hours: M, T, TH 9:00-4:00
Questions? Want to connect?
(330) 264-9420